As students spend increasing amounts of time outdoors this spring, we would like to send out a
reminder that we recommend that insect repellent and sunscreen be applied to students prior to
coming to school. They should not bring repellent or sunscreen to be applied during the school day.
Students may keep these items in their backpacks for after school activities if needed. Students are
permitted to wear a hat for sun protection while outside for recess. Please also consider sending your
child with a water bottle so they can stay hydrated during the school day. Helpful information on insect
repellent can be found on the EPA's website at Using Insect Repellents Safely and Effectively
The school nurses also recommend that parents be vigilant about doing daily tick checks on their
children. We are seeing an increasing number of ticks in the health office. There is additional
information on ticks and Lyme disease on the Falmouth Health Services website.