Friday, May 1, 2015

April Wellness at FES

April saw lots of Wellness activities at FES. At the beginning of April the USDA paid a special visit to Falmouth Elementary (see below for more information). The Special Ed staff promoted information on Autism Awareness School wide. Daffodils planted by students last fall are blooming in the learning garden. During the last week of April all Kindergarten students spent time in the learning garden planting spinach in the raised beds and sprouting sunflower seeds. 

The USDA is producing an eight-minute video about the importance of healthy school lunches. The video will contain four segments, offering perspectives from children, parents, administrators and physicians. Kevin Concannon, Department of Agriculture Undersecretary, is impressed with Maine’s school lunch progress and recommended interviewing Dr. Victoria Rogers. Dr. Rogers, Director of Let’s Go!, is one of two physicians to address how healthy meals impact children.

Falmouth Elementary School was chosen as the backdrop for part of this video due to our success in implementing the new healthier meal standards and our increased student participation in school meals, which is contrary to the current national trend. Credit goes to the entire kitchen staff who are committed to making and serving delicious, healthy meals to our students.

Bruce Alexander, the Director of Communications for the USDA's Food and Nutrition Science Division was extremely impressed with the focus on nutrition that was on display throughout the entire school. It is an incredible testament to success through commitment and collaboration - a true team effort.

The USDA is visiting only one other school, in Little Rock, Arkansas, for this project. Kudos to Martha Poliquin(food service director), Kim Walker (kitchen manager) for their dedication to our students and for this amazing recognition!

Dr. Victoria Rogers of Let's Go eating lunch at FES

5th grader being interviewed for USDA film

Special Ed staff promoting Autism Awareness

Autism education throughout the school

Daffodils planted last fall by Garden Club

Planting in Kindergarten with Mrs. Guerra

Working with Erin, our garden manager

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